Individual Group Play Therapy
What is Play therapy?
Play therapy is a therapeutic approach based on non-directional client-centered approach of Carl Rogers and Virginia Axline, as well as on theories about the development of children, such as attachment and Gestalt.
It uses the game itself as a means, the natural expression and communication means of the child. By this means, the child or the adolescent can recognize feelings, process them, explore those matters from the past or the present which consciously or unconsciously affect his life and daily activities, find solutions to his problems, and find relief.
Playtherapy tools
It uses creative methods, such as: movement, dolls, masks, painting, playing in the sand, clay, music, fairy tale, therapeutic story, drama, role play and creative visualization. Our Playtherapist is also specialized in messy play and Lego – based Therapy which are equally important therapy tools that she incorporates in sessions.
Why is Playtherapy more effective for children in comparison with other therapy methods?
Children feel greater familiarity and safety in a space with toys where they work on their themes in a symbolic way through game rather than answering questions in an office environment.
Moreover, this therapeutic approach is not necessarily based on speech, a fact that helps a little child a lot, when it has not yet developed speech, in order to be able to express and understand effectively his problems through symbolic game which is a painless method.
“Metaphoric speech – symbolic game energizes more centers than any other form of communication, creating new neuron paths”
(Modell, 1997)
Playtherapy for children and adolescents
Play Therapy is the most effective therapeutic approach for children of 3 to 12 years. However, adolescents may very well choose this approach. The tools and the approach through Play Therapy may change depending on the age and needs of the child and adolescent.
“The game releases chemical anti-stress substances in the brain. Thus the child finds it easier to think about his feelings and the traumatic experience is mitigated ”
(Levin, 1997)
A first personal meeting with the parents is set, where the child’s history is taken, the parents determine the targets they would like to have achieved through playtherapy and the number of sessions is determined. The parents are informed about the development of the child every 6 sessions.
Individual and Group Playtherapy
Individual playtherapy lasts for 40-45 minutes depending on the child’s age and needs, while group playtherapy lasts for 50-60 minutes. In both cases sessions take place once a week.
Diagnostic tools
During sessions the child’s progress is evaluated with many diagnostic tools such as the Capacities and Difficulties Questionnaire and the House – Tree – Person drawing Test for the evaluation of mental and sentimental factors.
In which cases is it proposed?
If you know a child or an adolescent you would like:
• To strengthen his self-confidence
• To enhance his creativity and imagination.
• To improve communication and expression skills about his feelings.
• To cultivate his social skills. To make friends more easily.
• To improve his capacity for concentration or to manage his hyperactivity better.
• To improve his academic performance. The child who is free from sentimental blocking can improve his ability to learn, and can also utilize his potential to the maximum.
• To improve his problem-solving ability and become independent.
• To deal effectively with situations of bullying.
• To improve his behavior so that he faces no exclusion problems at school.
• To manage his anger expressions and to auto-regulate.
• To manage his phobias, stress or worries.
• To respect but also to learn to set boundaries.
• To improve his relations with his peers, his siblings or his parents.
• To manage a trauma or loss.
• To manage nightly bed-wetting or stool incontinence.
• To manage changes in his life such as his parents’ divorce or change of country, city, school.
• To manage an illness or inability with self-confidence.
• To recover faster and more effectively in the case of hospitalization.
In these cases Play therapy is the most suitable and effective intervention.